caods is a self-funded, non-profit organisation that is run by volunteers who share a passion for musical theatre – whether on stage or working behind the scenes.

The Society does not currently receive any form of on-going financial support to subsidise running costs or to assist with the cost of staging productions. Instead caods relies on ticket sales and programme sales from its strong following of loyal audience members to remain operationally viable, as well as vital corporate support offered by local and national businesses.

Corporate Support

If you are a local business in the Essex area or a larger national company wishing to broaden your exposure in the Chelmsford area, supporting a caods production is an effective way to raise your profile amongst our audiences and the wider public.

For a small donation (minimum £500), your business will be advertised on all of our marketing materials, including flyers, posters, email and social media communications. In addition, your business will receive complimentary tickets to the show and a free half page advert in the show programme.


Previous Productions have been supported by:

Sponsor Logos
To find out more or to arrange an initial discussion regarding corporate support and working in partnership with caods, please complete the general enquiry form below.

Programme Advertising

Promoting your business or service in a production programme is a great way to advertise your business at minimal minimal cost. Adverts are priced very reasonably at £30 quarter page, £50 half page and £100 full page.

Get in touch to book your space now for our next production programme by completing the general enquiry form below.

100 Club

The 100 Club is a great way to help support caods and have a chance of winning a cash prize each month. For only £1 per month, you can have the opportunity to win either £30 (1st prize), £20 (2nd prize) or £10 (3rd prize) at each monthly prize draw. The 100 Club fund enables the society to purchase items that are not budgeted in a show fund, such as marketing materials and workshops with directors.

To join the 100 Club, please complete the general enquiry form below.

Make A Donation

By making a one-off donation, you will directly help to cover our non-show related operational costs which are increasing year by year. Donations can be made by:

Donate by cheque:

To make your donation, please send a cheque made payable to caods to the Treasurer  or request bank details to transfer online.

caods Treasurer
Jean Pinkney
65 Ongar Road

Contact Us

    Your Name

    Your Email

    Nature of your enquiry

    Your Message